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Mountain Trees – Dynamic Nature


5.6.2 or higher
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.

Additional compatibility information

To run HD or URP please import the pack to HD or URP project and then import the support pack which is inside the asset in the “HD and URP support” folder “. It will replace scene, and materials files so they will work with RP out of the box.


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This pack contains 8 PBR mountain fir trees in 63 prefabs.

Pack support unity:

  • Unity 5.6
  • Unity 2017
  • Unity 2018
  • Unity 2018 LW RP 4.9
  • Unity 2018 HD RP 4.9
  • Unity 2019
  • Unity 2019.1 LW RP 5.7+
  • Unity 2019.1 HD RP 5.7
  • Unity 2019.2+ LW RP 6.9+
  • Unity 2019.2+ HD RP 6.9+
  • Unity 2019.3+ LW RP 7.18+
  • Unity 2019.3+ HD RP 7.18+
  • Unity 2019.3 URP 7.2+
  • Unity 2019.3 HD RP 7.2+
  • Unity 2019.4 LTS HD RP
  • Unity 2019.4 LTS URP
  • Unity 2020
  • Unity 2020.1 HD RP 8.2+
  • Unity 2020.1 URP 8.2+
  • Unity 2020.2 HD RP 10.2+
  • Unity 2020.2 URP 10.2+
  • Unity 2020.3 HD RP 10.3+
  • Unity 2020.3 URP 10.2+
  • Unity 2020.3 LTS HD RP 10.7+
  • Unity 2020.3 LTS URP 10.7+
  • Unity 2021
  • Unity 2021.1 HD RP 11.0+
  • Unity 2021.1 URP 11.0+
  • Unity 2021.2 HD RP 12.1+
  • Unity 2021.2 URP 12.1+
  • Unity 2021.3+ LTS HD RP 12.1+
  • Unity 2021.3+ LTS URP 12.1+
  • Unity 2022
  • Unity 2022.1+ HD RP 13.1+
  • Unity 2022.1+ URP 13.1+
  • Unity 2022.2+ HD RP 14.0+
  • Unity 2022.2+ URP 14.0+
  • RTX support for Unity 2020.1 HD RP 8.2+
  • VS PRO at Standard, HD, and URP support for 7.2 and higher
  • SRP Batcher support Unity 2019.2, 2019.3+ LW, URP, AND HD RP and higher
  • DOTS instancing support

Additional compatibility information

To run HD or URP please import the pack to HD or URP project and then import the support pack which is inside the asset in the “HD and URP support” folder “. It will replace scene, and materials files so they will work with RP out of the box.

This pack contains 8 PBR mountain fir trees in 63 prefabs. (39 standard prefabs + 24 vegetation studio prefabs). Trees could be placed in foa rest (special forest tree versions) or as standalone. All trees work perfectly with the unity terrain and Vegetation Studio system (separated prepared prefabs). They are carefully optimized and created from scanned data. Trees have low overdraw, drawcall usage and are very cheap in render. All trees contain very advanced wind shading. Trees could be overlayed dynamically by snow, this feature also gives the you ability to adjust the snow amount on trees in static scenes.

We prepared 6 kinds of tree prefabs:

  • normal: where 4 from 8 trees have 2 bark materials for cool blend at the bark
  • cheap where all trees have 1 bark material (less drawcalls) and all trees could use the same leaves and bark. This means that 8 types of trees will be batched together (very low drawcalls for the whole forest).
  • normal with dynamic snow
  • cheap with dynamic snow
  • normal with static snow
  • cheap with static snow

In our pack you will find 4 aspects:

1) Different stages of trees like:

  • plant
  • small
  • medium
  • 2 big standalone
  • 2 forest trees (less tri and shadows on the ground)
  • dead tree

2) Group of textures for trees

  • compressed in Albedo/Alpha; Normal; Metallic/AO/Smoothness for cheaper GPU render and less memory usage:
  • snow set (5 textures)
  • 14 bark sets (45 textures)
  • leaves (4 textures)
  • 16 cross texture sets (32 textures)

3) Shaders:

  • All shaders support vegetation studio instanced indirect out of the box
  • All shaders support vegetation studio pro instanced indirect out of the box
  • 2 Cross shaders (no snow, snow),
  • 4 Bark shaders (metallic, metallic snow, specular, specular snow)
  • 4 leaves shader (metallic, metallic snow, specular, specular snow)
  • snow is dynamic so trees could be covered at runtime.
  • dynamic snow real-time update at vegetation studio
  • dynamic snow real-time update at vegetation studio pro work out of the box.
  • you could adjust snow amount and snow distribution by 2 values (snow amount, snow threshold).

4) Advanced and cheap in render wind shading shared between our all assets:

Note: We advise using forest trees in the forest to get better light and performance results and standalone versions on forest borders and sometimes inside forest. This setup will give the best visual and performance result.

Note2: In our screens, we used our: Advanced Foliage Pack (grass and ground textures), Advanced Rock Pack (rocks and rock shader), CTS (terrain shading) and third-party assets: Enviro (sky and light), Vegetation Studio ( foliage system)

Forest demo scene – download link and assets which it need to run, are in youtube video description. There are 2 versions (old unity below 2018.2 and new unity 2018.3+)

Frozen land tutorial demo scene – download link and assets which it needs to run, are in the youtube video description.


Pack contains ported wind from Unity 2018 HD SRP into lower unity versions and LW SRP this means that the asset uses: NMWind.cginc ,NMWindNoShiver.cginc ,NMWind.hlsl, NMWindNoShiver.hlsl, NM_Wind.cs, ShaderWindSettings.cs, 3DNoise.psd, GustNoise.psd under Unity Companion License see Third-Party Notices.txt file in the package for details.


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